

Born in Vitoria (Álava) on 14/09/1973, she holds a degree in Law from the University of Deusto, an MBA from the Autonomous University of Madrid, and a Master's Degree in Management of Non-Profit Organisations from the UNED.  

She has also completed the European Affairs Technician course and the European Master in Fundraising promoted by the Plataforma de ONG, and Third Sector Manager, as well as the PDG General Management Programme at the IESE (Business School) of the University of Navarra. 

She is currently General Secretary and Director of Transformation, Excellence and Equality at Fundación ONCE, as well as General Secretary of Inserta Empleo, an expert in employment and training for people with disabilities at Fundación ONCE. 

She is a member, among others, of the Monitoring Committee of the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) signed with the World Bank to promote the economic and social development of people with disabilities through education, employment, skills development, training, universal accessibility and design for all; trustee of the ONCE Guide Dog Foundation, and member of the boards of directors of Grupo ILUNION, Ilunion Facility Services and the Servimedia news agency. 

She is currently leading, from her management position, the development and implementation of transformation strategies with a high social impact on organisations, through highly disruptive technologies, where Artificial Intelligence stands out as a transversal technology.